20SVPF120M by Panasonic Electronic Components

Overview of 20SVPF120M by Panasonic Electronic Components

The 20SVPF120M is an aluminum electrolytic capacitor characterized as polarized, featuring a solid polymer aluminum dielectric. This component is rated for 120µF capacitance, with a 20V voltage rating. Its dimensions conform to a 2626 size code, making it suitable for surface mount technology. Highlighting specific features, this capacitor has an equivalent series resistance (ESR) of 25 mΩ, typically very low for this class of capacitor, which contributes to high-efficiency energy storage and minimal resistance losses during operation. Its lifespan is considerable, guaranteed for 5000 hours at an operating temperature of up to 105°C.

Panasonic’s design ensures the 20SVPF120M meets stringent environmental standards, being both RoHS compliant and free from halogens. Ideal for high reliability and performance in compact electronics, it also features a wide operating temperature range from -55°C to 105°C. Importantly, with a factory lead time of 22 weeks at the time of writing, it presents a considerable wait time for bulk orders, which planning engineers and procurement officers need to account for.

Industry Applications for 20SVPF120M

The 20SVPF120M has potential applications across multiple high-tech industries due to its durability, reliability, and specifications. Included below are several sectors where this capacitor could be beneficial:

  • Telecommunications: This capacitor might be used in telecommunications equipment where reliability and long service life are critical. For instance, it potentially offers value in power supply units or signal processing modules that require stable output and minimal power loss.
  • Computing and Data Storage: In computing, the low ESR could be advantageous for voltage regulation modules, potentially supporting the stability of CPUs or GPUs which require precise power management to operate efficiently.
  • Internet of Things (IoT): The IoT devices often require components that can perform reliably over a wide range of temperatures, making the 20SVPF120M a potential option for outdoor sensors and smart devices.

Note, these suggested applications are conceptual and should be verified by engineering and design teams specific to each industry to confirm compliance with operational standards and functional requirements.

About Panasonic Electronic Components

Panasonic is widely recognized for its high-quality electronic components and has a strong presence in the capacitors market, specifically within the sector of Aluminum Electrolytic Capacitors. Capacitors from Panasonic, such as the 20SVPF120M, are engineered to meet the rigorous demands of modern electronic devices. The firm consistently invests in research and development to push the boundaries of what its capacitor technology can achieve, ensuring that they remain competitive in applications requiring high efficiency, low ESR, and extended operational lifetimes. Panasonic capacitors are employed in a wide array of applications from industrial and telecommunications to consumer electronics, spotlighting their adaptability and robustness in diverse operating environments.

Where to Find 20SVPF120M by Panasonic Electronic Components

For procurement specialists and design engineers looking to source the 20SVPF120M, the preferred strategy is to consult a comprehensive component distributor database like findchips.com. As part of searching for the Aluminum Electrolytic Capacitors subcategory, one can determine availability and compare prices across several distributors. Historically, distributors such as DigiKey, Mouser Electronics, and Future Electronics have stocked this part. However, maintaining current check on stock levels and pricing via findchips.com is advisable to get the most updated information.

Compare pricing for 20SVPF120M and other Aluminum Electrolytic Capacitors at findchips.com