AQW216AZ by Panasonic Electronic Components

Overview of AQW216AZ by Panasonic Electronic Components

The AQW216AZ by Panasonic Electronic Components is a Solid State Relay (SSR) characterized by a transistor output with a dual-channel configuration housed in a DIP-8 package. This component features an isolation voltage of up to 1500V, supporting secure and reliable operation in applications demanding high isolation between input and output. It is specifically designed to handle SPST-NO switching up to 600V and currents up to 40mA, positioning it as suitable for various high-voltage switching applications. Its configuration includes separate, two elements, enhancing its functionality in complex circuits where dual operations are necessary.

Adding to its credibility, the AQW216AZ is RoHS compliant and lead-free, further adhering to environmental standards such as REACH. Moreover, with attributes like a maximum on-state current of 0.05A and on-state resistance of up to 120Ω, along with high sensitivity as an additional feature, this SSR ensures energy efficiency and robust performance. An operating temperature range from -40°C to +85°C makes it versatile across varied environmental conditions. The HTS code for this component is 8541.40.95.00, and it has a factory lead time of 16 weeks as of the current writing.

Industry Applications for AQW216AZ

The AQW216AZ’s characteristics enable it to possibly be integrated into various industry applications. Its high-voltage capabilities, combined with a compact and efficient design, make it a fitting choice for several critical and high-tech fields. Below are some potential applications:

  • Industrial Automation: This SSR could potentially be used in automated control systems for machinery where reliable, high-isolation switching of sensors and actuators is critical.
  • Telecommunications: In telecom equipment, where precise and reliable switching is necessary for signal control, the AQW216AZ might serve in protecting circuits by providing the needed isolation and switching capabilities.
  • Computing and Data Storage: Data centers, which require controlled environment systems to manage power supplies efficiently, might incorporate such SSRs to ensure stable and reliable switching operations.
  • Consumer Electronics: In applications such as smart home systems, this kind of relay can possibly facilitate the control of high voltage appliances, ensuring safe operation and integration with household electronic systems.
  • Electronic Manufacturing: During the production and testing of electronic equipment, the AQW216AZ might be used to switch high voltages safely and with high precision within test equipment and manufacture processes.

Note: These potential applications require thorough analysis and verification by engineering and design teams for adherence to industry standards and specific application requirements.

About Panasonic Electronic Components

Panasonic is a widely recognized global manufacturer of electronic components, including a significant lineup of Solid State Relays. In the field of Optoelectronics, Panasonic consistently integrates advanced technology with practical applications, evident in products like the AQW216AZ. Their solid state relays are tailored to meet diverse needs ranging from industrial automation to consumer electronics, with an emphasis on performance, durability, and compliance with environmental standards. Panasonic relays like AQW216AZ are notable for their reliability and innovative features such as high sensitivity and wide operating temperature ranges, making them suitable for a variety of challenging environments.

Where to Find AQW216AZ by Panasonic Electronic Components

To secure AQW216AZ for your project, originators and procurement specialists should check availability on Here, you can compare real-time pricing and stock levels from multiple distributors. Historically, this part was available from distributors including Ozdisan Elektronik, Master Electronics, Bristol Electronics, and TTI, among others. However, for the most accurate and up-to-date information regarding availability and pricing, visiting is recommended. Besides finding AQW216AZ, you can also explore alternative Solid State Relays that might be offered by Panasonic or other manufacturers.

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