AQY210EHAX by Panasonic Electronic Components

Overview of AQY210EHAX by Panasonic Electronic Components

The AQY210EHAX is a Solid State Relay (SSR) with a transistor output, designed to offer high isolation voltage of 5000 V, making it a reliable choice for applications requiring significant voltage barrier between input and output. This part features a Single-Pole Single-Throw Normally-Open (SPST-NO) contact form and has a load capacity up to 350V at 130mA. The MOSFET relay’s package style is a DIP-4 and it is designed for surface mounting, with an operating temperature range between -40 °C and 85 °C. Notably, the AQY210EHAX is RoHS compliant and recognized by UL for safety standards compliance.

The Part Data Attributes indicate that the AQY210EHAX offers high sensitivity, making it suitable for applications requiring precise control. The relay is equipped with gull-wing terminals finished in Matte Tin (Sn), enhancing its solderability and mechanical robustness. It also boasts an On-state Resistance of maximum 25 Ω, which is important for power efficiency. The part is currently in an active life cycle phase and is manufactured by Panasonic Corp.

Industry Applications for AQY210EHAX

The AQY210EHAX could potentially be used in a variety of industry applications, given its features and compliance with notable standards. Below are some illustrative examples:

  • Industrial Automation: The high isolation voltage and sensitivity make this SSR potentially suitable for automated manufacturing equipment, where precise control and reliability are paramount. It could be used to control actuators or sensors typically found in production lines.
  • Consumer Electronics: Devices such as printers and personal computers might incorporate this type of SSR for managing auxiliary power controls, potentially improving device safety and energy efficiency.
  • Computing and Data Storage: Due to its efficient electrical characteristics, the AQY210EHAX could be an asset in power management systems within servers and data centers, where maintaining high efficiency and low thermal footprint is crucial.
  • Telecommunications: In communication equipment, such as signal repeaters or routers, this SSR potentially offers the necessary performance for switching and signal isolation, contributing to reliable operation.

Note that these industry application examples are conceptual and require detailed analysis and verification by engineering and design teams for specific standards and product specifications compliance.

About Panasonic Electronic Components

Panasonic Electronic Components is a global leader in the development and manufacturing of electronic components, including a broad range of Solid State Relays. The brand is known for its dedication to innovation, reliability, and environmental stewardship. Panasonic’s Solid State Relays, including the AQY210EHAX, are recognized for their high performance, durability, and compliance with international standards. These components are used across various sectors, underscoring Panasonic’s commitment to versatile product applications and customer satisfaction.

Where to Find AQY210EHAX by Panasonic Electronic Components

To purchase the AQY210EHAX, we recommend researching the available options on This platform allows you to easily check for the latest stock levels, pricing, and availability from various distributors. Although the part has historically been available at distributors including Win Source Electronics, Ozdisan Elektronik, and Mouser Electronics, visiting ensures you get the most up-to-date information. For those looking for alternatives or variants of the AQY210EHAX, you might explore other Solid State Relays offered by Panasonic Electronic Components or different manufacturers.

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