SSM3K15ACTC,L3F by Toshiba America Electronic Components

Overview of SSM3K15ACTC,L3F by Toshiba America Electronic Components

The SSM3K15ACTC,L3F is a N-channel MOSFET with a drain-to-source voltage of 30V and a current rating of 100mA, housed in a CST3C package. Manufactured by Toshiba America Electronic Components, it belongs to the Small Signal Field-Effect Transistors subcategory. This component is designed for switching applications that require low power consumption and high-speed switching. The part features a Moisture Sensitivity Level (MSL) of 1, indicating it can be exposed to ambient room conditions for a minimum of one year before moisture reflooring is required, and it can withstand a peak reflow temperature of 260°C. With an ECCN code of EAR99, it is eligible for export to most destinations without requiring export license approval. The “Part Life Cycle Code” indicates that the SSM3K15ACTC,L3F is in an active phase, suggesting ongoing production and availability from Toshiba.

Industry Applications for SSM3K15ACTC,L3F

The versatility of the SSM3K15ACTC,L3F allows its use across various industry applications. Here are some possible uses in various sectors:

  • Computing and Data Storage: In computing, this transistor could be used in power management circuits for servers, data storage systems, and solid-state drives (SSDs), potentially helping manage power more efficiently within these systems.
  • Internet of Things (IoT): The high-speed switching capabilities might be advantageous in IoT devices that require efficient power management and minimal delay, such as smart home devices and wearables.
  • Education and Research: This component can be a basic building block in experimental and educational projects that aim to teach or research electronic circuit design, focusing on power management and signal processing.
  • Telecommunications: Its potential for use in power management circuits makes it suitable for telecommunications equipment, including network switches, routers, and RF amplifiers, where efficiency and reliability are crucial.

Note: These potential applications are only conceptual/illustrative and require analysis and verification by engineering and design teams. While SSM3K15ACTC,L3F could play a role in these industries, specific use cases would depend on the broader design requirements.

About Toshiba America Electronic Components

Toshiba America Electronic Components is an integral part of the global Toshiba conglomerate, known for its innovation in semiconductor technology, including transistors. In the realm of Small Signal Field-Effect Transistors, Toshiba consistently delivers reliability and performance. The company manufactures a wide range of semiconductor devices, catering to the needs of various industries, including computing, telecommunications, and consumer electronics. The SSM3K15ACTC,L3F is an example of Toshiba’s commitment to developing efficient and durable electronic components that meet the modern demands of technology.

Where to Find SSM3K15ACTC,L3F by Toshiba America Electronic Components

For procurement specialists and engineers looking to integrate the SSM3K15ACTC,L3F into their designs, is an essential resource. The site not only provides current stock levels and pricing from various distributors but also offers a comparative analysis with similar components. Historically, this part has been available from distributors such as Avnet Americas, Mouser Electronics, EBV Elektronik, and DigiKey. However, availability can fluctuate based on demand and production cycles. For those considering alternatives or seeking to compare the SSM3K15ACTC,L3F with other Small Signal Field-Effect Transistors offered by Toshiba America Electronic Components or other manufacturers, provides a comprehensive search and comparison tool.

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