SSM3K7002KFU,LXH by Toshiba America Electronic Components

Overview of SSM3K7002KFU,LXH by Toshiba America Electronic Components

The SSM3K7002KFU,LXH is a small signal field-effect transistor that represents a specific type of MOSFET designed for low power applications. This particular model, crafted by Toshiba America Electronic Components, is a N-Channel MOSFET characterized by its low on-state resistance (RON) and can handle a continuous drain current (ID) of 0.4A. The device operates in the enhancement mode, where a positive voltage to the gate controls the current flow from the drain to the source. The device is encapsulated in a compact UFV package, optimizing it for high-density integration into modern electronic systems. Its characteristics of low RON coupled with a manageable continuous current rating make it an ideal choice for power management and switching applications where efficiency is paramount.

Additionally, its compliance with RoHS (Restrictive of Hazardous Substances) ensures that it meets global environmental standards, making it suitable for use in a broad range of products worldwide. The part life cycle status of this component is active, indicating its availability and continuous support from Toshiba.

Industry Applications for SSM3K7002KFU,LXH

The SSM3K7002KFU, LXH, through its characteristics and specifications, potentially finds use in a variety of industries. It’s important to note that while these applications are plausible, they are conceptual and necessitate further technical evaluation by engineering and design teams to ensure compliance with industry standards and application specificity. Here are a few sectors where this component could be beneficial:

  • Energy and Power Systems: In energy management and distribution systems, this MOSFET could be used in smart metering devices or as a switch in low-power DC-DC converters. Its low on-state resistance is advantageous for minimizing power loss, which is critical in energy-efficient power supply designs.
  • Transportation and Logistics: Given its size and power handling capabilities, it could be integrated into electronic systems for drones or other small vehicles used in logistics, aiding in the control of propulsion systems or lighting.
  • Renewable Energy: Specifically, in applications like solar power inverters or wind turbine controls, where efficient power conversion is crucial, the SSM3K7002KFU,LXH could serve in auxiliary power circuits to manage small loads efficiently.
  • Consumer Electronics: In consumer electronics, such as portable devices, the need for efficient power regulation is critical to extend battery life. This MOSFET could be employed in power management modules within devices like smartphones, wearables, or tablets.

It’s imperative to underscore that these potential industry applications are only illustrative and require a comprehensive analysis to ensure they meet specific requirements. Similar parts in the category of Small Signal Field-Effect Transistors might also find application in these contexts, suggesting a broad utility spectrum for devices in this classification.

About Toshiba America Electronic Components

Toshiba America Electronic Components (TAEC) is a recognized leader in the electronics components industry, particularly noted for its innovation and quality in the field of transistors, including SSM3K7002KFU,LXH and other Small Signal Field-Effect Transistors. Toshiba has developed a reputation for producing reliable, high-performance components that underpin a wide range of electronic devices and systems. Known for a commitment to innovation and environmental stewardship, Toshiba components, such as SSM3K7002KFU,LXH, are designed to meet the strictest quality and performance standards, making them suitable for the most demanding applications across all sectors of the electronics industry.

Where to Find SSM3K7002KFU,LXH by Toshiba America Electronic Components

For engineers and procurement specialists looking for SSM3K7002KFU,LXH, our site,, offers a comprehensive search tool to locate this part across a variety of distributors. The availability of this part has historically included distributors such as Mouser Electronics, Avnet Americas, and DigiKey. However, it is crucial to visit to access current stock levels and pricing to ensure the most accurate and up-to-date information. On our platform, you can also explore other Small Signal Field-Effect Transistors that might be suitable alternatives offered by Toshiba America Electronic Components or other manufacturers, ensuring you find the best component for your application.

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