TLP293-4(GB-TP,E by Toshiba America Electronic Components

Overview of TLP293-4(GB-TP,E by Toshiba America Electronic Components

The TLP293-4(GB-TP,E by Toshiba America Electronic Components is a transistor output optocoupler, corresponding to a sophisticated design that affords a safe and effective means for transmitting electrical signals across isolation barriers using light waves. This component features a 3.75kV isolation voltage, encapsulated within a small outline package (SOP-16), making it adept for a wide range of high-density mounting requirements. The part is recognized under the ROHS directive, indicating compliance with environmental standards.

This specific optocoupler is designed with four separate channels, allowing for multiple signal transfers within a single package, hence optimizing both space and functionality in circuit designs. The specified minimum collector-emitter breakdown voltage of 80V, coupled with a minimum current transfer ratio of 100%, dark current maximum of 80nA, and the forward current maximum of 0.05A, delineates a component designed for high reliability in signal transfer. Operating temperature ranges from -55°C to 125°C, ensuring stability across various environmental conditions. The feature of UL recognition underscores its quality assurance and safety certification for use in critical applications.

With an isolation voltage up to 3750V, it emphasizes safety and robustness, making it ideal for applications that require electrical isolation to protect sensitive equipment or to break up ground loops. The part’s packaging method listed as Tape and Reel (TR) with embossed 13-inch indicates suitability for automated assembly processes, thus enhancing manufacturing efficiency. Additionally, a listed factory lead time of 18 weeks, as of the current writing, suggests a planning consideration for procurement strategies.

Industry Applications for TLP293-4(GB-TP,E

A vast array of industries could potentially benefit from the TLP293-4(GB-TP,E’s capabilities, given its robust isolation feature and compact design. It’s imperative to note that the following industry applications are theoretical and require comprehensive analysis and verification by professional engineering and design teams for standards compliance and specific project compatibility.

  • Telecommunications: This sector might incorporate the TLP293-4(GB-TP,E in communication equipment to ensure signal integrity and isolation, especially in environments where electromagnetic interference could be a concern.
  • Space Technology and Aerospace: In these applications, the high isolation voltage could effectively safeguard sensitive control systems and communications equipment from electrical noise, thereby maintaining integrity and reliability in extreme conditions. Components like the TLP293-4(GB-TP,E that can operate across a broad range of temperatures are particularly useful here.
  • Renewable Energy Systems: Solar inverters and wind turbine controllers could possibly utilize these optocouplers for fault signal transmission and electric isolation between high-power and low-power circuits.
  • Transportation and Logistics: Automation systems, vehicle control, and monitoring systems may potentially utilize the TLP293-4(GB-TP,E for achieving reliable communication across different parts of the system, enhancing both efficiency and safety.

Remember, these potential applications are conceptual and would depend upon further technical scrutiny to ensure suitability and compliance with specific industry standards and requirements.

About Toshiba America Electronic Components

Toshiba America Electronic Components is an integral player in the semiconductor and storage marketplace, with a reputation for pioneering advancements in various optoelectronic devices, including optocouplers. Toshiba’s proficiencies in engineering and manufacturing have positioned them as a go-to source for high-quality, reliable optoelectronic components. The TLP293-4(GB-TP,E is a prime example of Toshiba’s commitment to excellence and innovation in the field of optocouplers, indicative of their broader expertise within the spectrum of optoelectronics. The company’s focus on developing parts that meet the stringent requirements of today’s electronic devices ensures that they remain at the forefront of technology, providing solutions that enhance the functionality and safety of electronic systems.

Where to Find TLP293-4(GB-TP,E by Toshiba America Electronic Components

To secure the TLP293-4(GB-TP,E for your next project, a comprehensive search on can provide real-time availability and pricing from a host of reputable distributors. For those exploring Optocoupler options, offers an expansive inventory from Toshiba America Electronic Components and other leading manufacturers. In the past, distributors such as Sensible Micro Corporation, Arrow Electronics, Mouser Electronics, and Avnet Americas have stocked TLP293-4(GB-TP,E. However, to obtain the most updated stock levels and competitive pricing, visiting is recommended.

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