TPH1400ANH,L1Q by Toshiba America Electronic Components

Overview of TPH1400ANH,L1Q by Toshiba America Electronic Components

The TPH1400ANH,L1Q, developed by Toshiba America Electronic Components, is a high-performance Power MOSFET featuring N-channel enhancement mode within a 100V, 24A, 8-SOP package. Engineered for efficient power management in a compact form factor, this MOSFET belongs to the subcategory of Power Field-Effect Transistors. These devices are designed to handle high levels of energy and current, with the TPH1400ANH,L1Q showcasing a maximum drain current (ID) of 42A in pulse mode (IDM) up to 91A, indicating its capability to support high-speed switching applications.

Featuring a DS breakdown voltage minimum of 100V, it ensures reliable operation under high stress conditions, indicative of its suitability for applications requiring high voltage thresholds. The transistor is characterized by a low drain-source on-resistance (RDS(on)) of approximately 0.0136Ω, maximizing its efficiency by reducing power loss during operation. Its thermal management is optimized through a maximum power dissipation rating of 48W, complemented by an operating temperature range up to 150°C, which facilitates its use in environments subjected to thermal variations.

It also incorporates a built-in diode configuration, which enhances its application flexibility by providing intrinsic flyback diode functionality, useful in inductive load switching. With its surface mount package, the TPH1400ANH,L1Q is suitable for streamlined assembly processes, allowing for efficient use of PCB space. These features make the TPH1400ANH,L1Q an excellent option for engineers and designers seeking a robust, high-efficiency component for their power management solutions.

Industry Applications for TPH1400ANH,L1Q

Given its specifications and performance characteristics, the TPH1400ANH,L1Q is a versatile component that finds utility across a variety of industries. Here are some potential application use cases, noting the conceptual nature of these ideas which require further verification for compliance and suitability:

  • Power Supply Units (PSUs): In power supply applications, the TPH1400ANH,L1Q could potentially enhance efficiency and reliability due to its low on-resistance and high current capability. Its application might include server PSUs, computer power supplies, or high-performance industrial power systems where efficiency and thermal management are critical.
  • Renewable Energy Systems: Solar inverters and wind turbine power systems might benefit from the TPH1400ANH,L1Q’s efficiency in switching and ability to handle high pulse currents. Its robust thermal performance can be particularly beneficial in the fluctuating operational conditions typical in renewable energy applications.
  • Electronic Control Units (ECUs) for Industrial Automation: With its high-speed switching capability and built-in diode functionality, this MOSFET could possibly serve in the automation industry, facilitating precise control in motor drives, actuators, and other control systems requiring robust power management and switching performance.
  • Healthcare Equipment: The MOSFET might also find application within the healthcare industry, particularly in devices where power efficiency and reliability are paramount. Its application could extend to medical imaging systems, patient monitoring equipment, and other critical healthcare technologies.

It is crucial to underline that these potential industry applications are illustrative and hinge on comprehensive analysis and verification by engineering and design teams to meet specific standards and application requirements.

About Toshiba America Electronic Components

Toshiba America Electronic Components (TAEC) is a key player in the semiconductor industry, specializing in a diverse array of electronic components, including Power Field-Effect Transistors. TAEC plays a crucial role in advancing power semiconductor technology, offering a wide range of solutions designed to meet the ever-evolving demands of electronic systems. The TPH1400ANH,L1Q is a testament to Toshiba’s commitment to quality and innovation in the field.

Toshiba’s portfolio in the area of Power Field-Effect Transistors encompasses devices with varying specifications to suit a broad spectrum of applications, from consumer electronics to industrial and healthcare systems. Their components are known for high reliability, efficiency, and performance, with the TPH1400ANH,L1Q embodying these characteristics excellently.

Where to Find TPH1400ANH,L1Q by Toshiba America Electronic Components

To locate the TPH1400ANH,L1Q for procurement, we recommend utilizing our site, Through Findchips, engineers and procurement specialists can access real-time pricing and stock information from a comprehensive list of reputable distributors. Historically, the TPH1400ANH,L1Q has been available through distributors such as Avnet Americas, Mouser Electronics, and DigiKey, among others. To explore current availability, as well as alternative options, browsing the Power Field-Effect Transistors category on Findchips can provide insights into similar parts offered by Toshiba America Electronic Components or other manufacturers that might better suit specific application requirements.

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