DF2B6M4CT,L3F by Toshiba America Electronic Components

Overview of DF2B6M4CT,L3F by Toshiba America Electronic Components

The DF2B6M4CT,L3F is a Trans Voltage Suppressor Diode, designed to provide ESD protection for sensitive electronics. Manufactured by Toshiba America Electronic Components, this component features a working voltage (VWM) of 5.5V and a clamping voltage (VC) of 15V. Suitable for bidirectional applications, with a minimal leaking current (0.1μA), it is encased in a compact 2-pin SOD-882 package. The packaging method is Tape and Reel (T/R), indicating that this part is geared towards automated manufacturing environments, which require components in tape and reel form for easier pick-and-place operations. Reflecting on its status as an active component within the market, it demonstrates Toshiba’s ongoing commitment to manufacturing high-quality electronic components for a wide range of applications.

The note on its active life cycle status suggests that this component remains in production and widely applicable across industries, supported by a factory lead time of 20 weeks as of the current writing. However, specific attributes like the peak reflow temperature and time at peak reflow temperature are not specified, signaling the necessity for consulting with Toshiba or relevant datasheets for soldering and assembly guidelines.

Industry Applications for DF2B6M4CT,L3F

The DF2B6M4CT,L3F, belonging to the Transient Suppressors subcategory of Diodes, presents itself as a critical component in numerous industries. Its utility spans from safeguarding intricate circuits against electrostatic discharge (ESD) to ensuring the reliability of consumer and industrial electronics. The implications of these applications are noteworthy, even as each potential use case requires thorough analysis and verification by engineering and design teams. The examples below illustrate possible applications, underscoring the versatile nature of the DF2B6M4CT,L3F:

  • Education and Research – In laboratories and educational settings, this device might protect sensitive measurement and experimental equipment from ESD, which could otherwise compromise data integrity and hardware functionality.
  • Internet of Things (IoT) – Given its compact size and ESD protection capability, the DF2B6M4CT,L3F could potentially be employed in IoT devices, which often operate in unpredictable environments and are susceptible to static discharges.
  • Computing and Data Storage – This diode might serve in computing devices and servers, safeguarding components like memory and processors from transient voltage spikes that can cause data corruption or failure.
  • Telecommunications – The diode could potentially protect telecommunications equipment, including network switches and routers, ensuring uninterrupted service and data integrity by mitigating ESD risks.

Note that these potential industry applications are conceptual/illustrative and require analysis and verification by engineering and design teams for adherence to industry standards and specific application requirements. The suitability of the DF2B6M4CT,L3F for a given application must always be evaluated within the context of the end product’s design and operational demands.

About Toshiba America Electronic Components

Toshiba America Electronic Components is an integral part of the larger Toshiba Corporation, a global conglomerate known for its innovative electronic devices and components. Within the realm of Diodes and specifically Transient Suppressors, Toshiba has established itself as a leading manufacturer. The DF2B6M4CT,L3F serves as a prime example of Toshiba’s commitment to delivering high-quality, reliable electronic components. Toshiba manufactures a wide range of electronic components that cater to various applications, including computing, telecommunications, industrial, and consumer electronics, to name a few. Their focus on research and development continually drives the creation of products that meet the evolving needs of the technology sector.

Where to Find DF2B6M4CT,L3F by Toshiba America Electronic Components

For those looking to procure the DF2B6M4CT,L3F, findchips.com is an invaluable resource. Not only can you find current stock levels and pricing information for the DF2B6M4CT,L3F, but you can also browse a vast selection of Transient Suppressors to find alternate parts that might be better suited for specific applications. Historically, distributors such as Mouser Electronics, Avnet Americas, and DigiKey have stocked this component. However, to get the most current availability and pricing, checking findchips.com ensures you have the most up-to-date information.

Compare pricing for DF2B6M4CT,L3F and other Transient Suppressors / Diodes at findchips.com