TLP185(GB-TPL,SE(T by Toshiba America Electronic Components

Overview of TLP185(GB-TPL,SE(T by Toshiba America Electronic Components

The TLP185(GB-TPL,SE(T by Toshiba America Electronic Components is a single-channel transistor output Optocoupler, designed for diverse applications requiring isolated signal transfer between circuits. This component achieves signal transmission via light waves, ensuring electrical isolation between its input and output. The optocoupler is presented in a SMD-4 package, contributing to its suitability for surface mount technology (SMT) applications.

This particular model supports a maximum collector-emitter breakdown voltage of 80V and an on-state current of up to 0.05A, with a forward current maximum of the same value. It’s noteworthy for possessing a high isolation voltage of 3750V, safeguarding the circuits it interfaces against high voltage transients. Its forward voltage peaks at 1.4V, and it operates efficiently within a wide temperature range from -55°C to 110°C, making it versatile for various environmental conditions. The device is RoHS compliant, ensuring its compatibility with environmentally sensitive applications. Furthermore, the optocoupler boasts UL recognition as an added feature, signifying its adherence to safety standards.

Industry Applications for TLP185(GB-TPL,SE(T

The TLP185(GB-TPL,SE(T could potentially serve a vast array of industry applications, thanks to its adaptable specifications and compliance standards. Some speculative examples include:

  • Industrial Automation: The device might be adopted in control systems for isolating sensitive components from high-voltage signals, potentially enhancing the durability and reliability of automated systems.
  • Computing and Data Storage: It could possibly find applications within computing systems, helping in the isolation of data buses or signal lines, thus protecting the integrity of data and components.
  • Telecommunications: This optocoupler might also prove beneficial in telecommunications equipment, where signal fidelity and isolation are critical for the reliable transfer of data over vast distances.
  • Consumer Electronics: In consumer electronics, it could possibly be utilized for providing electrical isolation in audio interfaces or low-power devices, safeguarding user interfaces from potentially harmful electrical disturbances.

Note that these potential industry applications are conceptual and would require thorough analysis and verification by engineering and design teams to ensure adherence to industry standards and specific application requirements.

About Toshiba America Electronic Components

Toshiba America Electronic Components (TAEC) plays a pivotal role in the optoelectronics space, with its myriad offerings that span across various optoelectronic components, including a wide range of optocouplers like the TLP185(GB-TPL,SE(T. Toshiba’s contributions to optoelectronics emphasize innovation, reliability, and performance, making it a go-to source for engineers and procurement specialists alike. As a part of the larger Toshiba Corporation, TAEC benefits from extensive research and development resources, ensuring that their products, such as optocouplers, are at the forefront of technology and meet the stringent requirements of a rapidly evolving industry. Their extensive portfolio not only includes the transistor output optocouplers but also photorelay, photovoltaic output isolators, and more, catering to a broad spectrum of isolation and signal transfer needs in electronics.

Where to Find TLP185(GB-TPL,SE(T by Toshiba America Electronic Components

To secure the TLP185(GB-TPL,SE(T for your projects, the primary step is to conduct thorough research on available stocks and obtain the best pricing. A convenient way to embark on this research is by visiting Our site allows users to compare prices, check availability, and view detailed part information across numerous distributors. For those looking into alternatives or similar components, the Optocoupler category on our site can be a valuable resource for finding parts offered by Toshiba America Electronic Components or other reputable manufacturers.

In the past, distributors such as New Advantage Corporation, EBV Elektronik, Avnet Asia, and Sensible Micro Corporation, among others, have been known to carry the TLP185(GB-TPL,SE(T. However, it’s essential to visit to get the most current stock levels and pricing to make an informed purchase decision.

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