SSM6J507NU,LF by Toshiba America Electronic Components

Overview of SSM6J507NU,LF by Toshiba America Electronic Components

The SSM6J507NU,LF is a P-Channel Metal-Oxide Semiconductor Field-Effect Transistor (MOSFET) designed for switching applications. With a drain-source breakdown voltage of minimum 30V and a maximum drain current of 10A, it is encapsulated in a UDFN6B package, a very small and thin profile plastic encapsulated package with six leads. It is characterized by a drain-source on-resistance of a maximum of 0.032 Ω, making it highly efficient for power management tasks. The component also features a built-in diode and operates in enhancement mode, with a maximum operating temperature of 150 °C, illustrating its capability to perform in high-temperature environments. Its attributes like a feedback capacitance (Crss) of 185 pF further define its swift switching characteristics. This component is RoHS compliant, ensuring it meets the European Union’s directives on the restriction of hazardous substances. Manufactured by Toshiba, the SSM6J507NU,LF represents the latest in Power Field-Effect Transistor technology, focusing on miniaturization without compromising performance.

Industry Applications for SSM6J507NU,LF

The versatile characteristics of the SSM6J507NU,LF potentially align it with various industry applications, where precise control of power, efficiency, and size are critical. The potential applications are conceptual and would require thorough verification for compliance and suitability in specific cases. Some illustrative applications may include:

  • Consumer Electronics: Its small size and high efficiency could potentially fit into the power management systems of smartphones, laptops, and wearable devices, helping to optimize their battery life and functionality.
  • Computing and Data Storage: In servers and storage systems, where efficient power management is crucial for maintaining operational integrity and reducing heat output, components like the SSM6J507NU,LF might be useful in switching power supplies or as part of the power distribution network.
  • Industrial Automation: The robustness and efficiency of this MOSFET could potentially make it suitable for automated machinery and industrial control systems, where precise power control and high-temperature operation are often required.
  • Renewable Energy Systems: In solar inverters and battery management systems for renewable energy applications, the efficient switching and high current handling capability of the SSM6J507NU,LF might contribute to improving power conversion efficiency and reliability.
  • Automotive Applications: If compliant with automotive standards (a detail that requires verification based on specific industry standards), it could potentially be used in electric vehicle power management systems, supporting the drive towards more efficient and reliable electric mobility solutions.

Note: The prospective industry applications mentioned above are illustrative and require substantive analysis and verification by engineering and design teams to ensure they meet industry-specific standards and requirements.

About Toshiba America Electronic Components

Toshiba America Electronic Components (TAEC) is a principal manufacturer of electronic components, including Power Field-Effect Transistors among many other semiconductor products. The company is renowned for its innovative approach in developing advanced technologies for a multitude of electronic applications. Notably, the SSM6J507NU,LF is an example of Toshiba’s commitment to providing high-performance components that address the evolving needs of the electronics industry. Toshiba’s product line encompasses a wide range of semiconductor solutions, including MOSFETs, ICs, and various discrete components, designed for applications in consumer electronics, automotive, industrial, and other market segments. Their focus on quality, reliability, and innovation makes them a preferred choice for engineers and procurement specialists worldwide.

Where to Find SSM6J507NU,LF by Toshiba America Electronic Components

To research and procure the SSM6J507NU,LF, or to explore alternate parts from Toshiba America Electronic Components or other manufacturers that could suit your needs, visiting is highly recommended. The platform provides up-to-date information on pricing, availability, and specifications for Power Field-Effect Transistors and a host of other component categories. Historically, distributors like Verical, Arrow Electronics, Mouser Electronics, Avnet Americas, DigiKey, and Newark have carried the SSM6J507NU,LF. However, current stock levels and pricing are subject to change, and utilizing ensures you have access to the most current and comprehensive sourcing information.

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