AQZ192 by Panasonic Electronic Components

Overview of AQZ192 by Panasonic Electronic Components

The AQZ192 is a field-effect transistor (FET) output Optocoupler designed to offer robust isolation performance with an isolation voltage maximum of 3000V. This component is characterized by its SSR (Solid State Relay) technology and features a SPST-NO (Single Pole Single Throw-Normally Open) contact form, which makes it suitable for high-performance switching applications. Alongside its high load voltage of up to 60V and load current capabilities up to 10A, this optocoupler ensures efficient power management in various electronic applications. The AQZ192 is also noted for its through-hole relay mounting and PC pin terminals, facilitating ease in integration with existing systems. With operating temperatures ranging from -40 °C to 85 °C, it ensures reliability across diverse environmental conditions.

This part remains in active production as indicated by its life cycle status and complies with environmental standards such as RoHS and REACH. As of the current writing, its factory lead time is noted at 14 weeks, pointing to considerations for project timeline planning in procurement strategies.

Industry Applications for AQZ192

The high isolation voltage and substantial load handling capabilities of the AQZ192 make it a candidate for integration into a variety of industrial applications. Each of these applications requires careful analysis and verification by engineering and design teams regarding industry standards and specific application requirements.

  • Industrial Automation: In this sector, the AQZ192 could potentially be utilized in control systems for motor drives and actuator control circuits. The high isolation provided by this Optocoupler helps in protecting sensitive microcontroller circuits from high-voltage loads in industrial equipment.
  • Telecommunications: For telecommunications equipment that requires high voltage isolation to ensure signal integrity, the AQZ192 might serve effectively. Its ability to handle up to 10A of load current and 60V of load voltage can be particularly beneficial in managing line switching applications.
  • Consumer Electronics: The usage of AQZ192 potentially extends to consumer electronics, specifically in power supply units and power-adapted network devices where electrical isolation is critical. This ensures the safety and functionality of consumer-facing devices.

Note that the suggestions are conceptual and illustrative, requiring appropriate analysis and adherence to applicable lands and standards.

About Panasonic Electronic Components

Panasonic Electronic Components is a global leader in the manufacturing of electronic components, particularly noted for their contributions to the field of Optoelectronics, including Optocoupler devices. The manufacturer holds a reputation for pioneering sophisticated electronic solutions that enhance the operation and reliability of modern electronic systems. Their product line, inclusive of the AQZ192 and similar parts like other FET output optocouplers, represents a commitment to high standards in design, robustness, and performance. Panasonic’s offerings are designed to cater to a multitude of industries by improving the function and integration capabilities of their electronic components in complex electronic designs.

Where to Find AQZ192 by Panasonic Electronic Components

For those interested in purchasing the AQZ192, it’s essential to research current availability and pricing through reliable sources. An excellent start is on where comprehensive up-to-date information on stock levels and pricing from various distributors can be found. Historically, distributors like Ozdisan Elektronik, Master Electronics, Chip1Stop, and Avnet Abacus have stocked this part, though availability can change. To explore more options or to find alternate parts similar to the AQZ192, potential buyers can browse through the Optocoupler category for other products by Panasonic Electronic Components or different manufacturers.

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