TLP185(GB-TPL,SE by Toshiba America Electronic Components

Overview of TLP185(GB-TPL,SE by Toshiba America Electronic Components

The TLP185(GB-TPL,SE by Toshiba America Electronic Components is an optoisolator transistor with a maximum isolation voltage of 3750V, packaged in a SOP-6/4 configuration. It is primarily designed to provide signal transmission with electrical isolation between circuits. This component is characterized by a forward current of up to 0.05A, a forward voltage of 1.4V, and an optical coupling with a minimum current transfer ratio of 100%. Additionally, it has an operating temperature range from -55°C to 110°C, ensuring functionality across a broad spectrum of environmental conditions. RoHS compliance and lead-free certification affirm its suitability for use in the modern electronic equipment market where environmental standards are crucial.

Industry Applications for TLP185(GB-TPL,SE

In determining potential industry applications for the TLP185(GB-TPL,SE, several industries stand out based on the part’s properties and the typical requirements of specific sectors:

  • Consumer Electronics: Devices like smart home systems and personal computing accessories could potentially integrate this part to manage signal transmission safely across different circuit sections.
  • Industrial Automation: In manufacturing and process control systems, the TLP185(GB-TPL,SE might be used to isolate sensitive components from high-power circuits, potentially reducing risk and improving system reliability.
  • Telecommunications: Telecommunication equipment, which often requires robust electrical isolation for signal integrity and safety, could utilize such optocouplers to maintain clear, uninterrupted data transmission across circuits.

Note that these potential industry applications are conceptual and would require further analysis by engineering teams to ensure compliance with specific standards and requirements. Similar Optocoupler parts might also be adapted in analogous applications, depending on their specific characteristics.

About Toshiba America Electronic Components

Toshiba America Electronic Components is recognized for its significant contributions to the field of optoelectronics, particularly in the development of Optocoupler technology. The company manufactures a variety of optocouplers, including the TLP185(GB-TPL,SE, which are essential for applications requiring high isolation voltages and robust performance. Toshiba’s range of components typically offers solutions for a wide array of operating conditions, thereby affirming their reliability and versatility in challenging environments.

Where to Find TLP185(GB-TPL,SE by Toshiba America Electronic Components

To locate and purchase the TLP185(GB-TPL,SE, offers a comprehensive platform where current stock levels, pricing, and distributor information are readily accessible. Historically, this part has been available from multiple distributors, including Quest Components, Mouser Electronics, Avnet Americas, DigiKey, and Newark. It is advisable to verify the current availability and pricing at For those seeking alternative or similar Optocoupler parts from Toshiba or other manufacturers, also serves as a valuable resource for comparing different options.

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