AQY211G2SX by Panasonic Electronic Components

Overview of AQY211G2SX by Panasonic Electronic Components

The AQY211G2SX is a transistor output Solid State Relay (SSR) designed by Panasonic Electronic Components. This part is housed in an SOP-4 package and is primarily noted for its ability to handle a maximum load voltage of 40V and a load current of up to 1.6A. It supports a single channel operation with SPST-NO (Single-Pole Single-Throw, Normally Open) contact form which makes it suitable for general purpose switching applications that require reliability and speed. The AQY211G2SX features impressive isolation characteristics with an isolation voltage maximum of 1500V, providing substantial protection against electrical disturbances.

The SSR supports both AC and DC input types, which provides flexibility for integration into diverse electrical circuits. Its on-state resistance is notably low at 0.15 Ω, minimizing energy loss and enhancing efficiency. Moreover, the product is compliant with important environmental and safety standards including ROHS, REACH, and it is UL recognized and VDE approved. This combination of features makes it an adaptable and safe choice for a wide range of applications. According to the provided “Part Data Attributes,” the AQY211G2SX remains in an active phase of its lifecycle, indicating its ongoing production and availability. Please note that the factory lead time is currently stated as 16 weeks.

Industry Applications for AQY211G2SX

The diverse features of AQY211G2SX make it potentially suitable for various industry applications. Here are some industry sectors where this SSR could be utilized:

  • Consumer Electronics: It could be used in devices that require low power switching applications, such as home automation systems or smart appliances. The UL recognition and VDE approval ensure it meets the safety standards required for household items.
  • Telecommunications: Given its reliability and high isolation voltage, the AQY211G2SX can potentially be implemented in telecommunications equipment, facilitating signal routing and helping to protect sensitive communication infrastructure.
  • Industrial Automation: Automation machinery that requires precise control over load power management might benefit from integrating this SSR, especially due to its robust operational temperature range of -40 °C to +85 °C and low on-state resistance.
  • Aerospace and Defense: Thanks to the robust design and compliance features like high isolation voltage, this SSR could possibly be appropriate for applications within highly regulated aerospace or defense projects, though specific suitability would depend on further standards and certifications.
  • Computing and Data Storage: In data centers and computing infrastructures where precise electronic switching is crucial for managing power supplies and signals, the AQY211G2SX might be effectively used.

Note: The potential industry applications mentioned above are conceptual and require verification by engineering and design teams to ensure compatibility and adherence to specific standards and requirements.

About Panasonic Electronic Components

Panasonic Electronic Components is a division of Panasonic Corporation, which is widely regarded for its high-quality and innovative electronic parts, particularly in the realms of Solid State Relays and broader optoelectronic solutions. Panasonic is known for producing reliable and efficient SSRs, including the AQY211G2SX, and other similar parts. These components are typically characterized by their durability, precision, and adherence to international safety and environmental standards, making them favored in high-stakes industries such as medical, industrial automation, and aerospace.

Where to Find AQY211G2SX by Panasonic Electronic Components

To purchase the AQY211G2SX, it is recommended to research through our site This platform offers up-to-date information on stock levels, pricing, and availability across various distributors. Historically, the part has been available through distributors such as Win Source Electronics, Master Electronics, Mouser Electronics, and DigiKey.

For those seeking alternatives or possibly different specifications, check the Solid State Relays link, which can assist in locating parts offered by Panasonic Electronic Components or other manufacturers that might meet the necessary requirements.

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