August 2023: Global Design and Sourcing Insights

Visual of automotive powertrain
August Highlights:

In August, both global design and sourcing activities exhibited month-over-month growth. Global design activities saw an increase of +5% compared to the previous month and a substantial +15% growth when compared to the same period last year. This surge in design activities was evident across all regions, with particularly noteworthy month-over-month surges occurring in the United States and Germany.

Global sourcing activities also experienced a noteworthy upswing, with a month-over-month increase of +13%. However, it’s important to note that these sourcing activities remained below the levels seen in the previous year. China, the United States, and Singapore led the way with the most substantial month-over-month increases in sourcing activities.

Across the Design-to-Source Intelligence (DSI) network, various sectors, including automotive, data center, and wireless/networking verticals, witnessed robust activity and notable growth throughout August.

August 2023 design and sourcing trends
Year-To-Date 2023 (January – August):

When examining the period from January to August in 2023, global design activities displayed a consistent uptrend, boasting a +5% growth rate. However, global sourcing activities faced a contrasting trend, declining by -26% compared to the same period in 2022.

Q3 2023 Outlook:

Looking ahead to the remainder of Q3, it is anticipated that global design activities will experience a modest decrease of -3% to -6% quarter-over-quarter. Similarly, global sourcing activities are expected to see a decline of -3% to -5% quarter-over-quarter during Q3.