CRS08(TE85L,Q,M) by Toshiba America Electronic Components

Overview of CRS08(TE85L,Q,M) by Toshiba America Electronic Components

The CRS08(TE85L,Q,M) is a Schottky diode, characterized by its 30V reverse voltage capacity and 1.5A forward current, in a 2-Pin S-FLAT package designed for surface mounting on a tape and reel. This component is a single-element, rectifier diode, which leverages Schottky technology for efficient, low forward voltage drop performance. It operates efficiently up to a maximum operating temperature of 125 °C, ensuring reliability in a variety of applications. The diode is designed with a maximum forward voltage of 0.36 V and can handle a peak non-repetitive forward current of up to 30 A, making it suitable for high-density power applications. As it is RoHS compliant and has a “Tin (Sn)” terminal finish, this component aligns with environmentally sensitive and lead-free manufacturing requirements. Additionally, its RoHS status indicates compliance with global standards for hazardous materials. The part is currently listed as active in the product lifecycle, showing its continued relevance and availability in the market.

Industry Applications for CRS08(TE85L,Q,M)

The CRS08(TE85L,Q,M) by Toshiba America Electronic Components holds potential for broad application across several industries due to its versatile features. While its specific suitability for any application must be confirmed by engineering analysis, some of the possible use cases include:

  • Energy and Power Systems: This diode could potentially be used in power supply circuits and power conversion systems due to its efficient power handling capabilities. Its ability to perform at high temperatures makes it suitable for demanding environments.
  • Transportation and Logistics: In transportation systems, such as electric vehicles (EVs) and charging stations, the CRS08(TE85L,Q,M) might be utilized for its efficient power management and small footprint, allowing for compact, reliable designs.
  • Renewable Energy: The high efficiency and thermal performance might make this diode a candidate for use in solar inverters and wind turbine power converters, contributing to more efficient energy conversion processes in renewable energy technologies.
  • Automotive: The automotive industry, with its increasing focus on electronic systems for both powertrain and cabin electronics, could benefit from the use of CRS08(TE85L,Q,M) in applications requiring efficient, reliable power management.

These potential applications demonstrate the versatility of CRS08(TE85L,Q,M), substantiating its value in design and development across various sectors. It is, however, imperative that each application undergo thorough analysis and validation by professional engineering and design teams to ensure suitability and compliance with specific requirements.

About Toshiba America Electronic Components

Toshiba America Electronic Components is a notable entity in the manufacture and supply of electronic components, with a particular emphasis on diodes and semiconductors. In the realm of Rectifier Diodes, Toshiba has established a reputation for producing parts that meet the highest standards of quality, reliability, and performance. The CRS08(TE85L,Q,M) is a testament to Toshiba’s commitment to innovation in Schottky barrier diode technology, offering enhanced efficiency, lower power loss, and improved thermal characteristics. Toshiba continually strives to advance its products and services, catering to the evolving needs of the electronics industry, ensuring that their offerings, including CRS08(TE85L,Q,M), remain at the forefront of technology.

Where to Find CRS08(TE85L,Q,M) by Toshiba America Electronic Components

To acquire CRS08(TE85L,Q,M) or find similar Rectifier Diodes, a visit to is highly recommended. offers comprehensive, up-to-the-minute inventory data and pricing from various distributors, ensuring that procurement professionals can make informed decisions. In the past, CRS08(TE85L,Q,M) has been available through distributors such as EBV Elektronik, Avnet Asia, TME, and Mouser Electronics, among others. However, for the most current stock levels, pricing, and potential alternative parts available from Toshiba America Electronic Components or other manufacturers, checking directly on will yield the most accurate information.

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