RSCH11055R5L09015T by ELNA America Inc

Overview of RSCH11055R5L09015T by ELNA America Inc.

The RSCH11055R5L09015T by ELNA America Inc. is an Electric Double Layer Capacitor, characterized by its high capacitance of 1,000,000 µF, operating within a voltage range of 5.5V. This particular model falls under the category of Special Capacitors, showcasing distinctive features like a radial leaded package style, through-hole mounting feature, and a substantial tolerance range with +80% positive and -20% negative. These specifications underscore its robustness and adaptability in various electronic applications.

Designed for bulk packing and radial leaded package, the RSCH11055R5L09015T is equipped with a notable operating temperature range from -25°C to +85°C, catering to a wide spectrum of environmental conditions. The physical dimensions of the capacitor include a diameter of 21.5 mm and a length of 9.5 mm, making it a suitable candidate for applications where space conservation and specific capacitance values are crucial. Its through-hole mount design facilitates easy installation on printed circuit boards (PCBs), providing a firm mechanical support and reliable electrical connection.

From a compliance standpoint, the RSCH11055R5L09015T adheres to RoHS requirements, ensuring that it is manufactured without the use of restricted hazardous substances. This component is also compliant with the REACH regulations, highlighting ELNA America Inc.’s commitment to environmental stewardship and the safety of electronic parts. The End Of Life status in the part lifecycle indicates that while this part may still be available, it is important for buyers to consider future sourcing strategies or potential replacements.

Industry Applications for RSCH11055R5L09015T

The unique properties of the RSCH11055R5L09015T make it potentially suitable for a range of industry applications. It is important to emphasize that the following industry applications are only conceptual and require thorough analysis by engineering and design teams for adherence to specific standards and application requirements:

  • Consumer Electronics: Devices requiring long-lasting power backup or energy storage solutions, such as wireless keyboards, mice, or portable speakers, might leverage the high capacitance and durability offered by RSCH11055R5L09015T.
  • Telecommunications: Due to its high capacity and stability over a wide temperature range, this supercapacitor could possibly serve in telecommunications infrastructure, supporting energy storage for backup power systems.
  • Energy Management Systems: In applications focusing on energy efficiency and storage, such as renewable energy systems or smart grid technology, the RSCH11055R5L09015T’s sizable energy storage capabilities potentially make it a valuable component.
  • Industrial Automation: Automated machinery and industrial control systems that require reliable power management solutions could potentially utilize this type of supercapacitor for energy storage and power smoothing operations.
  • Computing and Data Storage: Servers and data centers looking for UPS (Uninterruptible Power Supply) solutions or energy caching mechanisms might find this component’s specifications advantageous for short-term power backup.

Note: These potential industry applications are illustrative and require proper verification for compliance with industry standards and specific application needs.

About ELNA America Inc.

ELNA America Inc. stands as a pivotal manufacturer in the realm of electronic components, with a special emphasis on capacitors. With a legacy of quality and innovation, ELNA has carved a niche in producing a wide array of capacitor types, including their specialty line of Special Capacitors. Among their offerings, the RSCH11055R5L09015T is a notable product that exemplifies their focus on developing capacitors that address the demanding needs of modern electronic applications. ELNA America Inc. is committed to delivering products that meet stringent quality standards, providing solutions that are both reliable and efficient for a broad spectrum of electronic applications.

Where to Find RSCH11055R5L09015T by ELNA America Inc

To purchase RSCH11055R5L09015T or explore similar components, visit our site at We offer comprehensive listings and the latest availability from a wide range of distributors. In the case of RSCH11055R5L09015T, it has been historically available from distributors such as Future Electronics and DigiKey. However, to obtain current stock levels and pricing, it is recommended to research directly on This platform not only provides specific part information but also allows for comparison across various distributors, ensuring that you find the best deal for your procurement needs. For alternatives to RSCH11055R5L09015T, the platform’s search functionality in the category of Special Capacitors can be utilized to discover parts that might be offered by ELNA America Inc or other leading manufacturers.

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