SSM3K318R,LF by Toshiba America Electronic Components

Overview of SSM3K318R,LF by Toshiba America Electronic Components

The SSM3K318R,LF, developed by Toshiba America Electronic Components, is a Metal-Oxide Semiconductor Field-Effect Transistor (MOSFET) characterized by its N-channel, 60V drain-source breakdown voltage, and a maximum drain current of 2.5A. Encapsulated in a SOT-23F package, this MOSFET is designed for high efficiency and reliability in a compact form factor. The 3-pin SOT-23F package, specifically chosen for its small outline, enables this transistor to be an ideal choice for space-constrained applications.

With a maximum drain-source on resistance of 0.107 Ω, the SSM3K318R,LF offers an optimal balance between conducting and blocking voltages, making it highly efficient for power management applications. Additionally, its built-in diode offers protection and circuit stability, enhancing its utility in switching applications. It is suitable for surface mount technology, making it adaptable for modern Printed Circuit Board (PCB) designs. Furthermore, this component is recognized for its enhancement mode operation, enabling it to function as a switch with the application of a voltage to its gate. Its maximum power dissipation capability is 1W, and it can operate at temperatures up to 150 °C, indicating its robustness for a range of environmental conditions.

Regarding environmental compliance, the SSM3K318R,LF is lead-free (Pb-free) and RoHS compliant, aligning with global standards for environmental sustainability and safety. Though the REACH compliance status is unspecified, its ECCN (Export Control Classification Number) is EAR99, indicating it is not specifically controlled and is eligible for export to most destinations without additional licensing.

Industry Applications for SSM3K318R,LF

The versatile characteristics of the SSM3K318R,LF lend it to potential use across a wide spectrum of industries. While the identified applications provide a broad overview, it’s imperative to highlight that the deployment of this transistor in a specific domain necessitates detailed engineering analysis to ensure compliance with industry standards and application requirements. Here are illustrative, non-definitive examples of where the SSM3K318R,LF could possibly be applied:

  • Consumer Electronics: Devices such as smartphones, tablets, and laptops could potentially employ this MOSFET for power management purposes, particularly in voltage regulation and battery management circuits, where efficiency and compactness are crucial.
  • Communication and Networking: In networking hardware like routers, switches, and modems, the SSM3K318R,LF might be utilized in power distribution systems to efficiently manage the power supplied to various components within these devices.
  • Audio and Video Systems: High-fidelity audio amplifiers, home theater systems, and professional-grade video processing equipment could possibly incorporate this component to switch or amplify signals with minimal loss and distortion.
  • Aerospace and Defense: Given its robustness and reliability, it has the potential for use in aerospace applications, including satellite power management systems and aviation electronics, acknowledging the need for stringent validation to meet industry-specific standards.

These potential applications illustrate the adaptability of the SSM3K318R,LF to diverse requirements, albeit with a caveat that such applications are conceptual and must be substantiated by comprehensive design and engineering assessments.

About Toshiba America Electronic Components

Toshiba America Electronic Components is an established manufacturer known for its innovation and excellence in the field of electronic components, including Small Signal Field-Effect Transistors. Their portfolio encompasses a vast range of transistors, including various types of MOSFETs designed for different voltage and current ratings, suiting a wide array of applications. The SSM3K318R,LF is a testament to Toshiba’s commitment to providing components that meet the rigorous demands of modern electronic design, emphasizing efficiency, reliability, and environmental compliance.

Where to Find SSM3K318R,LF by Toshiba America Electronic Components

To procure the SSM3K318R,LF, we recommend researching on This platform will provide comprehensive information about current stock levels, pricing, and available distributors. Historically, this part has been available across several distributors, including Mouser Electronics, Avnet Americas, and DigiKey, among others. However, to get the most up-to-date information, it’s best to confirm availability directly through Findchips. Besides, for those considering alternatives or seeking components with different specifications, Findchips can assist in discovering other Small Signal Field-Effect Transistors that might be offered by Toshiba America Electronic Components or other manufacturers.

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