TLP290(GB-TP,SE by Toshiba America Electronic Components

Overview of TLP290(GB-TP,SE by Toshiba America Electronic Components

The TLP290(GB-TP,SE by Toshiba America Electronic Components is an AC input-transistor output optocoupler designed to provide an effective solution for applications requiring high voltage isolation between the input and output. This particular part serves as a critical component within the Optocoupler subcategory of Optoelectronics, enabling safe signal transfer between two isolated circuits. The device boasts a thin, SOP-4 package making it suitable for applications where space saving is a priority. It operates with an isolation voltage of up to 3750V, ensuring considerable safety margins for electronic applications that require reliable insulation between high voltage and low voltage areas.

Equipped with several certifications, including UL recognition and VDE approval, the TLP290(GB-TP,SE ensures compliance with critical safety standards, thereby enhancing its applicability in a wide range of industries. The part is currently in an active lifecycle phase, as noted by its RoHS compliance, indicating its commitment to environmentally responsible manufacturing practices.

Key features of this component include a forward current capability of up to 0.05A, a minimum collector-emitter breakdown voltage of 80V, and a nominal current transfer ratio of 100%, which makes it an efficient medium for signal transmission. The device is also capable of operating over a wide temperature range, from -55°C to +110°C, making it suitable for harsh environments.

Industry Applications for TLP290(GB-TP,SE)

The unique attributes of the TLP290(GB-TP,SE position it as a versatile component across numerous industries. While certain applications are suggested by its technical specifications and features, it is important to understand that these potential uses require thorough analysis and verification by engineering and design teams to ensure conformity with specific standards and requirements. Below are conceptual applications, highlighting the vast possibilities this optocoupler could serve in:

  • Space Technology: Given its high isolation voltage and ability to operate across a wide temperature range, this optocoupler might be an excellent choice for satellite communication systems where electrical isolation and signal integrity are paramount.
  • Industrial Automation: Control systems in automated manufacturing operations could potentially utilize this device to isolate and manage high-voltage equipment safely. The TLP290(GB-TP,SE’s reliability in harsh operating conditions makes it suitable for this role.
  • Transportation and Logistics: In electric vehicle charging stations or railway signaling equipment, this part might provide essential isolation between high-power circuits and delicate control electronics, ensuring both safety and functionality.
  • Renewable Energy Systems: This optocoupler could be useful in solar inverters or wind turbine controls, offering critical electrical isolation between high-voltage panels or generators and the low-voltage control hardware.

Note that these potential industry applications are conceptual and illustrative. They serve to demonstrate the versatility of the TLP290(GB-TP,SE but require detailed engineering and design evaluation to determine suitability for specific applications.

About Toshiba America Electronic Components

Toshiba America Electronic Components is a recognized leader in the field of semiconductors and storage solutions, with a specific focus on optoelectronics. In the realm of Optocoupler technology, Toshiba has developed a comprehensive portfolio that addresses a broad spectrum of industry requirements. The TLP290(GB-TP,SE is part of Toshiba’s extensive lineup of optocouplers, designed to meet the evolving demands of modern electronic circuits with robust insulation capabilities, signal integrity, and regulatory compliance. Toshiba’s commitment to innovation, quality, and environmental stewardship makes its optoelectronic components highly regarded in the industry.

Where to Find TLP290(GB-TP,SE by Toshiba America Electronic Components

For those looking to purchase the TLP290(GB-TP,SE, offers a comprehensive platform to check current stock levels and pricing from various distributors. This online resource helps procurement professionals and engineers find the best deals and availability for electronic components. Historically, this particular optocoupler has been available from distributors such as Avnet Americas, Mouser Electronics, and DigiKey. However, to obtain the most current information on availability and pricing, we recommend utilizing Additionally, for those seeking alternatives or complementary parts to the TLP290(GB-TP,SE within the Optocoupler category, offers an extensive selection that may be offered by Toshiba America Electronic Components or other leading manufacturers.

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