TLP291-4(TP,E) by Toshiba America Electronic Components

Overview of TLP291-4(TP,E) by Toshiba America Electronic Components

The TLP291-4(TP,E) is a multi-channel transistor-output optocoupler, compliant with RoHS and suited for surface mount technology with a SOP-16 package. This component is designed for high-density mounting and features an isolation voltage up to 2500 V, making it an excellent choice for situations where electrical isolation is needed between different parts of a system. The optocoupler’s minimum and nominal current transfer ratio stands at 50%, with each channel capable of a forward current up to 0.05 A and a maximum forward voltage of 1.4 V. Its operational temperature range spans from -55 °C to +110 °C, ensuring performance across a wide range of environmental conditions. Additionally, the device features a UL approval, making it a trusted choice for applications requiring certified safety standards.

It’s important to note that as of the current writing (2023), the factory lead time for this part is approximately 18 weeks. This optocoupler offers four separate channels, supporting multiple isolations within a single component, making it a scalable option for integrating into various devices and systems.

Industry Applications for TLP291-4(TP,E)

The TLP291-4(TP,E) potentially serves various industries due to its robust isolation features and high operational flexibility. Below are selected examples of industry use cases:

  • Industrial Automation: This optocoupler could potentially be utilized in control system interfaces where electrical isolation is necessary between high voltage equipment and low voltage controller logic. Its ability to operate over a wide range of temperatures and its high isolation voltage make it suitable for harsh industrial environments.
  • Renewable Energy: In solar inverters or wind turbine controls, the TLP291-4(TP,E) might provide effective isolation between high power circuits and digital control circuits, enhancing both safety and performance in energy conversion systems.
  • Transportation and Logistics: This component could potentially be used in the electronic systems of electric vehicles or charging stations where isolation is crucial for safety and system integrity, particularly at interfaces between high-power battery management systems and vehicle control units.
  • Space Technology: The ability of TLP291-4(TP,E) to operate at extreme temperatures makes it a possible candidate for satellite applications, where isolated signal data transfer is critical under severe thermal conditions.

Please note that these potential industrial applications are conceptual and require thorough evaluation by engineering and design teams to determine fidelity in specific applications according to industry standards and requirements.

About Toshiba America Electronic Components

Toshiba America Electronic Components is known for its extensive range of high-quality electronic components, including a wide array of optoelectronic devices. Their offerings within the optocoupler category, such as the TLP291-4(TP,E), are a testament to their commitment to providing solutions that meet rigorous industrial standards for isolation and performance. Toshiba’s optocouplers are designed to address the diverse needs of power management and signal isolation across multiple applications, underscoring their capability in both design and manufacture of advanced optoelectronics. Similar parts manufactured by Toshiba also maintain the same standards of quality and reliability, reassuring customers of consistent performance across their product lines.

Where to Find TLP291-4(TP,E) by Toshiba America Electronic Components

To source the TLP291-4(TP,E) or explore alternate optocoupler options, start by visiting This platform provides comprehensive details on stock levels and pricing from numerous distributors. Historically, distributors like Chip1Stop, Avnet Americas, Mouser Electronics, and DigiKey have carried this component. However, for the most current information, checking the real-time data on is highly recommended.

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