TLP293(GB-TPL,E by Toshiba America Electronic Components

Overview of TLP293(GB-TPL,E by Toshiba America Electronic Components

The TLP293(GB-TPL,E is an optoisolator with a transistor output designed by Toshiba America Electronic Components. This electronic component features a high isolation voltage of 3750 V, making it suitable for applications requiring electrical isolation between input and output. Encapsulated in a 4-pin SOP package, it combines compact design with high functionality. The device ensures lead-free and RoHS-compliant manufacturing processes, aligning with global standards for environmental safety.

Some key attributes of the TLP293(GB-TPL,E include a forward current max of 0.05 A, dark current max of 80 nA, and a minimum collector-emitter breakdown voltage of 80 V. The current transfer ratio is nominal at 100%, indicating efficient signal coupling from input to output. Operating temperature ranges from -55 °C to 125 °C, accommodating a wide variety of environments and applications. Additionally, this part is recognized under UL, attesting to its safety and reliability standards. With a life cycle status of active, it remains a viable option for new designs and products.

Industry Applications for TLP293(GB-TPL,E

The TLP293(GB-TPL,E, belonging to the Optocoupler subcategory, features characteristics that make it potentially suitable for a broad range of industry applications. Below are conceptual use cases illustrating where this component might be applied. It is important to consider that these potential applications are illustrative and require thorough analysis and verification by engineering and design teams to ensure adherence to industry standards and application requirements.

  • Space Technology and Aerospace: The TLP293(GB-TPL,E’s high isolation voltage and wide operating temperature range might be leveraged in space technology and aerospace applications for signal isolation in satellite communication systems, spacecraft power supply units, and avionics interface circuits. Its compact size and proven reliability could be crucial in the constrained and demanding environments of space and airborne platforms.
  • Renewable Energy Systems: This optoisolator could potentially be used in renewable energy systems, such as solar inverters or wind turbine control units, where electrical isolation is necessary between high-power circuits and low-power control electronics. Its high isolation voltage and low dark current make it suitable for efficient and safe operation within these applications.
  • Telecommunications: In telecommunications equipment, the TLP293(GB-TPL,E could provide signal isolation for data communication lines, protecting sensitive components from transient voltages and noise. Its reliability and performance characteristics may be beneficial in ensuring consistent data integrity and system uptime.
  • Industrial Automation: The device might find applications within industrial automation for isolating control signals between machinery and controllers. Its ability to operate across a wide temperature range and its robust isolation characteristics could make it ideal for the harsh operating environments often found in manufacturing and process control.

Note that while these potential applications offer a glimpse into where TLP293(GB-TPL,E might fit, each use case necessitates a comprehensive evaluation to confirm suitability.

About Toshiba America Electronic Components

Toshiba America Electronic Components is a key player in the domain of optoelectronics, renowned for manufacturing a wide range of high-quality, reliable optoelectronic components including a variety of Optocoupler devices. Its products, like the TLP293(GB-TPL,E), are engineered to meet the stringent requirements of a vast array of applications. Their optocouplers are designed to provide efficient electrical isolation, fast signal transmission, and robust performance in challenging environments. By continually innovating and adopting the latest technologies, Toshiba ensures that their optoelectronics products remain at the forefront of the industry, offering solutions that enhance the performance and reliability of electronic systems across multiple sectors.

Where to Find TLP293(GB-TPL,E by Toshiba America Electronic Components

For those looking to procure the TLP293(GB-TPL,E, offers a comprehensive platform to research pricing and availability across multiple distributors. Apart from Toshiba America Electronic Components, you can use the site to find alternate parts within the Optocoupler category offered by other manufacturers.

Historically, the TLP293(GB-TPL,E has been available through distributors such as Avnet Asia, Mouser Electronics, Avnet Americas, and DigiKey. However, stock levels and availability can fluctuate. For this reason, it’s recommended to use to get current stock levels and pricing from these and other distributors. This ensures that you are getting the most up-to-date information to make well-informed procurement decisions.

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