TLP3906(TPL,E by Toshiba America Electronic Components

Overview of TLP3906(TPL,E by Toshiba America Electronic Components

The TLP3906(TPL,E from Toshiba America Electronic Components is a specialty optoelectronic device described as an optoisolator, featuring a 3.75kV photon-coupled output with a 4-pin SO6 packaging. This component attributes itself to the Other Optoelectronics subcategory within the broad realm of optoelectronics. The optoisolator’s primary function is to transfer electrical signals between two isolated circuits by using light, guaranteeing no electrical connectivity between the two sides. This isolation is critical in applications where electrical isolation is essential to protect against high voltage spikes, noise, and other harmful disturbances that could potentially damage sensitive equipment.

Its compact form factor (4-pin SO6), along with its availability on tape and reel for automated assembly, makes it suitable for a wide range of applications requiring high-density mounting and reliability. The TLP3906(TPL,E adheres to RoHS directives, indicating compliance with hazardous materials standards, which is crucial for manufacturers keen on maintaining sustainability and environmental standards in their products. Key attributes, including its Active life cycle status, signal its ongoing production and availability, which is vital for long-term design and production planning.

Industry Applications for TLP3906(TPL,E

The TLP3906(TPL,E’s unique features make it suitable for an array of industries and applications. Its broad possible application spectrum, combined with its high isolation voltage, positions it well for deployment in high-tech fields requiring stringent isolation measures and compactness. Note that the potential industry applications mentioned here are conceptual and require no validation by engineering and design teams to ensure they meet industry standards and specific requirements.

  • Space Technology and Aerospace: Given the critical need for reliability and high isolation in spacecraft and aviation electronics to protect against space and avionic electrical environments, the TLP3906(TPL,E could potentially be utilized in satellite communication systems, avionic control units, and other space-grade circuitry needing high isolation.
  • Transportation and Logistics: In transportation systems such as rail signaling and logistics infrastructure, the TLP3906(TPL,E might be used in control systems requiring robust isolation to ensure safety and operational integrity across extensive electrical networks.
  • Renewable Energy: As renewable energy systems like solar inverters and wind turbine controls often deal with high voltages, the TLP3906(TPL,E can provide the necessary electrical isolation, preventing electrical noise and high voltage from affecting sensitive measurement and control circuits.
  • Robotics and Drones: In robotics and unmanned aerial vehicles (drones), where compactness and reliability are paramount, the TLP3906(TPL,E can be used for isolating control signals between high-power drivers and sensitive microcontroller-based control circuits, ensuring both safety and precise control.

These conceptual applications illustrate the versatility of the TLP3906(TPL,E but should be analyzed and validated for each specific context.

About Toshiba America Electronic Components

Toshiba America Electronic Components is an integral player in the field of optoelectronics, with a diverse range of products spanning various applications. As a part of Toshiba Corporation, a global leader in the electronics industry, Toshiba America Electronic Components leverages advanced technology to innovate and manufacture cutting-edge optoelectronic components, including a variety of optoisolators, LED drivers, photodiodes, and more. The TLP3906(TPL,E represents a part of their solid portfolio in Other Optoelectronics, reflecting their commitment to quality, reliability, and innovation. Toshiba America Electronic Components is known for adopting rigorous standards for their products, ensuring they meet the global needs for sustainable and technologically advanced electronic solutions.

Where to Find TLP3906(TPL,E by Toshiba America Electronic Components

To find the TLP3906(TPL,E for your next project, researching through a reliable source like is advisable. On FindChips, you can get current stock levels, pricing, and information on distributors that historically have carried the TLP3906(TPL,E. Distributors like Mouser Electronics, Avnet Americas, and DigiKey have previously stocked this part, but inventory can fluctuate. Therefore, it is recommended to visit FindChips for the most accurate and up-to-date information.

In addition to specifics about the TLP3906(TPL,E, FindChips provides access to a wide range of components in the Other Optoelectronics category. This allows for the comparison of similar parts by Toshiba America Electronic Components or other manufacturers, facilitating informed decisions based on pricing, availability, and specifications.

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