TCK107AG,LF by Toshiba America Electronic Components

Overview of TCK107AG,LF by Toshiba America Electronic Components

The TCK107AG,LF by Toshiba America Electronic Components is an integrated circuit (IC) designed as a power distribution load switch using a P-channel configuration and offered in a 4-WCSP (Wafer-Level Chip-Size Package) footprint. This component is classified under the electronic parts subcategory of Multiplexers or Switches within the broader category of Signal Circuits. The TCK107AG,LF is engineered to manage power distribution efficiently, making it suitable for applications where precise power control and distribution are crucial.

Key attributes include its Pb-free composition, signaling Toshiba’s commitment to producing environmentally friendly and RoHS-compliant components. Its status as an “Active” part indicates that it is still in production and available for new designs. The part’s analog IC type is classified as SPST (Single Pole Single Throw), highlighting its functionality for straightforward on-off power control tasks. While specific details on the peak reflow temperature and time at peak reflow temperature are not specified, its packing and handling details fit standard industry practices, ensuring compatibility with conventional assembly processes.

The reported factory lead time for TCK107AG,LF stands at approximately 24 weeks, as of the current writing. This information is crucial for procurement planning and inventory management, particularly for large-scale projects or production runs.

Industry Applications for TCK107AG,LF

The versatility of the TCK107AG,LF allows for its potential use across a wide range of industries. While specific applications require careful analysis and verification by engineering and design teams, the following are illustrative examples where this component might find utility:

  • Consumer Electronics: Devices such as smartphones, tablets, and laptops could utilize the TCK107AG,LF for efficient power distribution within the device’s circuitry, potentially enhancing battery life and performance due to its efficient control features.
  • Industrial Automation: In automated control systems, the TCK107AG,LF might serve to manage power distribution across various sensors and actuators, possibly contributing to system reliability and efficiency.
  • Computing and Data Storage: Servers and storage systems could employ the TCK107AG,LF to regulate power supply to critical components, possibly aiding in thermal management and overall system stability.
  • Telecommunications: Network infrastructure equipment, including routers and switches, might benefit from the precise power control capabilities of the TCK107AG,LF, potentially improving energy efficiency and system performance.
  • Electronic Manufacturing: In the production of printed circuit boards and other electronic assemblies, the TCK107AG,LF could be incorporated into the design to facilitate effective power management and distribution, potentially enhancing product quality and lifespan.

These potential industry applications are only conceptual and illustrative, necessitating further analysis and verification by engineering and design teams to ensure compliance with industry standards and specific application requirements.

About Toshiba America Electronic Components

Toshiba America Electronic Components, Inc. (TAEC) is a principal manufacturer of electronic components, including a robust lineup within the domains of Multiplexers or Switches and Signal Circuits at large. Known for their innovative approach to semiconductors and electronic components, Toshiba has established itself as a key player in the field, offering solutions that cater to a broad spectrum of industries and applications. The TCK107AG,LF is a testament to Toshiba’s engineering prowess, showcasing their ability to blend performance with environmental sustainability. Toshiba’s offerings extend beyond individual components, providing full solutions that embody their commitment to quality, reliability, and technological advancement.

Where to Find TCK107AG,LF by Toshiba America Electronic Components

To procure the TCK107AG,LF, industry professionals can leverage the resources available at This platform aggregates data from multiple distributors, offering up-to-date inventory levels, pricing, and datasheets. Historically, distributors such as Bristol Electronics, Verical, Arrow Electronics, Mouser Electronics, Avnet Americas, and DigiKey have been sources for this part. However, it’s crucial to consult for current stock availability and the latest buying options. Additionally, the platform allows users to explore alternate parts within the category of Multiplexers or Switches that might be offered by Toshiba America Electronic Components or other manufacturers, ensuring that procurement professionals and engineers find the best-fit components for their applications.

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